Ransomware Recovery Manager Silent Install
Smart Shield now uses the standard MSI options for installing with predefined parameters in place of previous versions Answer File. The command line parameters replace some of the answer file options.
For the command line of the installer, you'll need to run the following in PowerShell or the command prompt
"Ransomware.Recovery.Manager.Setup.vX.X.X.X.exe" /exenoui /i // /qn [Parameters...]
Example of a Silent Install:
"Ransomware Recovery Manager Setup v2.5.0.201.exe" /exenoui /i // /qn REGISTER_KEY=00000-xxxxx-xxxxx-00000-xxxxx-xxxxx REGISTER_TYPE=1 PASSWORD=111111 KEYBOARD_PHRASE=111111 PRIMARY_HOTKEY=CONTROL SECONDARY_HOTKEY=ALT TERTIARY_HOTKEY=f8
Common Parameters
Required parameters by SmartShield to install, this includes the password, keyboard phrase, and registration type.
PASSWORD - Minimum 6-character password (user defined)
KEYBOARD_PHRASE - Minimum 4-character keyboard phrase (user defined)
REGISTER_TYPE - The Type of registration to execute
0 = Register with Smart Control
1 = Online Standalone Install
2 = Offline Standalone Install
LANGUAGE [optional, Default ENUS] - Specifies the installation language
ENUS = English (English)
JPJP = Japanese (⽇本語)
KOKR = Korean (한국어)
ESES = Spanish (Español)
STEALTH_MODE [optional, Default 0] - Specifies if Smart Shield is installed with stealth mode enabled.
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
BLOCK_FIREWIRE [optional, Default 0] - Specifies if Smart Shield disables fire wire connections.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
NOVELL_COMPATIBILITY [optional, Default 0] - Enables Novell network compatibility feature with Smart Shield.
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Hot Keys for SmartShield
For Hotkeys each hotkey must be unique (Control can't be used twice, etc.). Default is CONTROL + ALT + f10
PRIMARY_HOTKEY [optional, Default CONTROL] - First hotkey for smart shield.
SECONDARY_HOTKEY [optional, Default ALT] - Second hotkey for smart shield.
TERTIARY_HOTKEY [optional, Default F10] - Tertiary hotkey for smart shield.
Valid values for Primary or Secondary hot keys:
CONTROL (must use upper case)
ALT (must use upper case)
SHIFT (must use upper case)
Valid values for Tertiary hot keys:
CONTROL (must use upper case)
ALT (must use upper case)
SHIFT (must use upper case)
TAB (must use upper case)
f1-f12 (must use lower case)
a-z (must use lower case)
Standalone Installation (Online and Offline)
Standalone registration requires your key provided byData443 and will allow you to do a non-managed installation of Smart Shield.
REGISTER_KEY - Enter your registration key here including dashes.
Smart Control Required Parameters
Registers with a Smart Control Resource Manager instance for managed installations.
SMART_CONTROL_IP - IP Address of your smart control
SMART_CONTROL_PORT [Optional, Default 25553] - Smart Control listening Port specified. SKIP_SCRM_CHECK [Optional, Default 0] - Allows you to skip connecting to the SCRM on installation, omitting this parameter will perform the check.
0 = Continue with SCRM connection check.
1 = Skip SCRM connection check