Lockout or Delete End User

To manually lockout or delete an existing end user so that they may NO LONGER view content or access the system, an admin must:

  1. login to the admin console at admin.araloc.com

  2. Click on the Users tab


3. Click the hyperlinked username of the user

4. Either click on the Manual Lockout button to lockout the user, but keep them in the system for historical reporting/auditing purposes OR Click the Delete button in the top right to fully delete the user from the system and all previous access history.

*WARNING*: A deleted user cannot be recovered. They would have to be manually added again.


5. To unlock the user, simply click on the Remove Lockout button. A deleted user cannot be recovered. They would have to be manually added again.


6. After deleting an end user, you may need to also revoke or delete their publisher or admin privileges if they were also a publisher or admin. To do so, go to the https://data443.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AKB/pages/149422317 > https://data443.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AKB/pages/223510612 tab.